COVID-19 UPDATE: read my new article about N95 masks and coronavirus.
I’m a big fan of using air pollution masks when the AQI is over 200 (read my articles here, here and here, and the Chinese market has a lot of new competition since last January’s airpocalypse. Even in convenience stores such as 7-11 you can now find a big display of pollution masks stamped with N95, 99% or something similarly impressive on their labels. “Wow, this 5 RMB surgical mask says it’s 99% effective — plus, it’s imported from Japan!” Not so fast. Any marketing person can throw any numbers on these packages — we consumers need to dig a bit deeper and find out just where these numbers are coming from. Air pollution is such a serious issue here in China that we really need to stick with the best masks — with proven results from independent labs, not just TV advertorials and website testimonials. Here’s my advice on how to find the best mask.
What The Heck Is N95, Anyway?
We hear and read about this “N95” so much — are you sure you know what it means? Here’s a nice synopsis of what N95 certification means, from Nelson Labs, an independent testing center in the USA:
“…If you are a manufacturer of respirators, one of the most important processes you must go through is to receive certification from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH respirator certification is necessary in order to label your respirator with one of the three “N” certification categories: N95, N99 or N100. N95 respirators are used to filter contaminants such as dust, fumes, mists, as well as microbial agents including tuberculosis bacteria and flu virus. They are certified to filter greater than or equal to 95 percent of all challenged particles free of oil and greater than 0.3 microns in size. N99 respirators filter greater than or equal to 99 percent…”
Let’s say that again: a mask rated N95 filters out more than 95% of particles (PM) larger than 0.3 microns — that’s much smaller even than PM2.5 microns. This is a good thing, since most of air pollution’s bad health effects are caused by particles 2.5 microns and smaller (the width of a human hair is 70 microns). These masks really work.
But here is an important point: almost every mask you see on the Chinese market, except for 3M, isn’t officially certified N95. Only the USA’s governmental agency NIOSH gives out the N95 certification, and if it’s not on their lists here or database here, then it’s not certified N95. But just because it’s not on this list does not mean it’s a crappy mask — a handful of masks not on this official list actually have proven 95% effectiveness from testing. It’s actually very expensive and difficult to jump through all those government hoops for official NIOSH certification. N95 is more for industrial worker safety, and mega-companies such as 3M can easily afford those tests, while smaller consumer start-ups can barely afford local testing, much less certification. Other countries have their own ratings which you may see on packages, such as the European EN149 FFP2 or Chinese YY-0469, both equivalent to N95.
Not All Tests Are Created Equal
My second major point in this article is that there are two important but extremely different tests of a masks’ effectiveness. The first tests the material itself, pushing a microscopic chemicals such as latex through a swatch of the fabric and seeing what percentage make it to the other side. These are called particle challenge tests. Quite a few of the most popular masks have results way over 99%. Vogmask gets 99.978%; Totobobo 99.85%; Lvdun 绿盾PM2.5口罩 99.45% … Those are incredible numbers, yes?
Yes, they are — but the problem is this: this test means nothing in the real world. You could do a particle test on a rock and get 100% efficiency, but you’re not going to wear it on your face. The best fabric in the world is totally useless if the mask itself doesn’t fit your face well, with air leaking all around it. This is why it’s far more important to make sure your mask has fit test results. During these tests, an actual human being is wearing the mask, and special sensors are sticking out of it, measuring efficiency over a span of 15 minutes. There are two types of fit tests: qualitative, which are personal impressions of a masks’ fit; and quantitative, the hard data showing efficiency at filtering out PM2.5, PM0.3 and even smaller particles. Of these two, the quantitative data is far more useful for us. A person could love the comfort and give the quantitative results an A+, but if the hard data only shows 50% filtration, then who cares how comfortable it is?
Why is this important? Because a bunch of mask companies are bragging about being 99% effective — but they’re only talking about their particle challenge results, not fit test results. This is the major reason why I am not thrilled with Respro masks, which have impressive 99% results on particle challenge but are only 88% effective on their fit test results. Why buy a mask like this when there are a handful of other masks which filter better (and also are cheaper)? For the same reason, I am not a big fan of the newly popular Chinese branded mask, Lvdun 绿盾PM2.5口罩, available at 7-11. Their particle challenge results are just as impressive as the rest, again far above 99%, so their filter fabric is excellent. But I don’t see a fit test report on their website or their Weibo. Plus this filter is not the entire mask at all, it’s a smallish rectangle which you insert inside the fabric of the mask. I personally tried this for a few days and noticed air leakage and street smells, so I highly doubt they could get a fit test of 95% or above. Maybe they can, but again, given the gravity of our air pollution, why buy any mask that doesn’t have a fit test report over 95% when so many others do?
In the same vein, there are a bunch of surgical masks and other masks online and in stores bragging about 95% or 99% on their shiny packages, many claiming to be from Korea and Japan. But again, there’s almost no way any of these throwaway surgical masks are truly 95-99% effective in the real world, as it’s obvious there’s massive air leaking around most of these. OK, they are better than a simple cotton mask, as one study showed surgical mask effectiveness at 80%, compared to 28% with a simple cotton handkerchief. But if you’re buying cheap disposables anyway, why not stick with 3M, which are proven much more effective?

So Which Have These Fit Test Reports?
There are four brands that I am aware of which have both particle challenge results over 99% and quantitative fit test results over 95% for PM2.5:
- 3M — many models >99% (ex. model 1860 filtration factor 193): NIOSH list
- Vogmask — >99% (filtration factor 139) — results
- Totobobo — >99% (filtration factor 135) — results
- I Can Breathe! >99% — results
I personally have used all of these and feel that all are good choices. I continue to use them on different occasions, and I have no strong preference for any of them. I have them stashed at work, at home, in my briefcase and in my bike saddle bags.
So take your pick! If you don’t like the fit of one, try another. Experiment, and leave your own personal feedback below in the comments section. An educated consumer is always a better consumer.
If you want more information on masks, you can read a few key earlier articles (here, here and here) as well as wander around my air pollution archives.
What About Kid Sizes?
As of this month there are finally good options for kids. The Vogmask company now has two versions that fit a kid’s smaller face; they are first on the market to pass fit test results on children, showing over 95% effectiveness on a 9 year old boy. Totobobo also has a new model which you can custom mold to faces using hot water, which you can trim down to a child’s face. This custom molding may lead to better fit and thus higher effectiveness.
UPDATE 2024: Please follow me at my new website, Also my new YouTube channel
Anyone with info on masks for infants and children?
Yes: Vogmask just came out with kid sizes, the first to be officially fit tested to be >95% effective (on a 9 year old boy; the toddler tested couldn’t sit still for the 15 minute test)…Also Totobobo is coming out with newer molded masks that may fit kid faces better when cut down to size…
Thanks Dr. Richard for mentioning of Totobobo mask.
Jesse, you may download this template and make a full size paper dummy to check if the mask can be cut to the size to fit your children:
” (on a 9 year old boy; the toddler tested couldn’t sit still for the 15 minute test)”
What, they haven’t heard of an iPad? This is how it’s done:
1. Starve toddler of any gadgets for a whole month.
2. On test time allow toddler use an iPad with whatever game they want and watch them sit for 12 hours straight. If they try to move just threaten to take the iPad away.
It works. It does.
Dr. Richard. Thank you for such a helpful site and sharing your insights and knowledge — making our lives in China (and beyond, we’ll take it with us) so much better!
Great trick! Most kids do turn into unmoving zombies with their iPads and smartphones…that’s a whole other issue I need to discuss on this blog!
Thank you very much for your blog posts – they are really useful and has given me a lot of help in deciding which maks to use.
I am a high school student studying at YCIS Beijing.
Personally, I don’t prefer the totobobo masks. They seem like they will fall off anytime (when you exhale) and it does leave marks on your face after you wear them for a long time. It also makes you look weird – hence, why I prefer vogmask.
Vogmask has similar fit test results and come in many designs. I prefer the cotton ones, so I may even try out “I can Breathe!”. Anyways, thanks a ton for the help!
Maybe I’ll see you at BJU when I volunteer there!
You’re welcome! All of those are fine, It’s trial and error…
What are your thoughts on the R95 and P95 3M masks(and other brands)? They cost more, and while they were developed for indusrty application for oil vapor resistance/protection, my unscientific sense is that the carbon layer most R and P95 mask have are helpful at reducing chemical vapors including VOCs. They seem to be more durable than their N95 counterparts which help mitigate their higher cost.
I don’t know anything about the R95 and P95 series so can’t comment on them. Just in terms of priorities, PM2.5 has more health effects compared to VOCs and vapors, so focusing on PM2.5 I would think would continue to be the best approach. If those R95 and P95 also take out PM, that would be an extra bonus. Does anyone else know much about them?
Thanks for your blog,coming over in December with child. Will now have to find where to purchase the vogmask as we live in australia
We have a lot of Vogmask now in our hospital’s gift shop, and they are also online. No worries!
Great blog, very useful indeed.
A question, I am looking for a good mask for running. Any suggestions?
Thanks again for this great post
As I was ordering masks and waiting for them to arrive; i came across a mask at the pharmacy; the brand is 2.5PM; it has removable carbon filters. I was wondering if anyone knew any stats for it… (here’s an example: from a taobal store:
The brand isn’t 2.5PM, it’s “CM”. I haven’t heard of them but they look exactly like the other big company in China, Lvdun 绿盾. I’m extremely hesitant to promote them because there’s so much air leakage around the masks. And I asked them for fit test results and they didn’t have any, just a materials test — which just isn’t good enough for me. So no, I would stick with the brands I’ve mentioned here, that have fit test results.
Thank you for your post! I find it very hard to have clear information on these brands’ websites.
Vogmasks have “A bendable aluminum noseband (to) allow a secure seal over the bridge of the nose”, couldn’t their be danger of exposing aluminium in this area?
Thank you so much for your answer!
Sorry, I am not aware of any issues with aluminum on skin. And many masks have metal nosebands you pinch for better comfort, and I haven’t heard of any health issues from this…
Thank you very much! I have found my favorite 3M 9010.
Hi – your site is so so useful, especially as I’ve just arrived in Beijing a few days ago. One thing I am trying to find information on, is at what AQI masks should be worn for pregnant women and children. I know you MUST wear them above 300, but being cautious and not wanting to cause any damage to my unborn baby, what would you recommend? 150? 200?
Hi Rebecca, that’s a tough question. Quite literally there isn’t any “safe” level when the AQI is even above 50. It’s all dose-related. I would think 150 cutoff for a pregnant woman is perfectly reasonable, but even lower is also logical. There are no official recommendations on any of this from any agency, so we all just need to make our own educated choices.
Have you done any tests on the new ID mask? Got one as a gift but not sure whether it’s a good one. Thanks!
Sorry no, I’m done with testing and researching. I hope others are now testing masks!
How often do you recommend using one 3M 1860 mask in China before it needs to be discarded?
1st time user of an air filtration mask, due to huge Northern California fires. I was able to get one N95 mask 2days ago. By then, and today also , thankfully our area is down to ” not to bad” air pollution— I could see some stars last night !!
My question is ?? How many hours is this mask good for AND ?? Can I rinse it out ( clean it ?) with steam distilled water and continue to use it ?
And , a second thought , would it help even better if it was dampened ? Some people are usring a damp wash cloth to ease the intake of smoke..
They are good for at least a few days of use or until they turn grey. I definitely wouldn’t wash them, just get a new disposable. I’m glad the fires are almost over!
Be part of our project to create the best pollution protection for urban citizens. Check out our project and participate on the survey
Be part of our project to create the best pollution protection for urban citizens. Also for children. Check out our project and participate on the survey
Hi, do you have any thoughts on Meo? I live in New Zealand, so we don’t have a lot of sale here. This could be an option though.
You mentioned that the 3M 9332 had a little bit of air restriction on breathing in. Given it is rated for FPP3 / N99, did you try any of the slightly lower models N95 /FPP2 like the model 9332? I suspect it might has less restriction in air passage given the slightly looser filtering ability.