"I'd love to eat more fish here, but I never know which store I can trust."...
All posts by Richard Saint Cyr MD
My Quest For The Ideal Air Purifier Is Over.
I've proven that these new machines are keeping my family's indoor PM2.5 under 10 ug/m3, which is the goal of the WHO and thus should be everyone's goal. So why would I even want to test anything else?
250-500毫克的Omega-3脂肪油能够将突发心脏病的几率降低36%, 这真是个好消息啊!但当我将这个信息告诉我的患者时,他们通常的回答是:“我倒是想多吃点鱼,但不知道哪里能买到安全的鱼类食品...”